If I wasn’t There

Imagine you were invisible for twenty-four hours, what would you do?

If I were invisible for twenty-four hours I know exactly what I would do. First I would wake up and get ready for the day even though I was invisible. Then I would go for a walk around my neighborhood. But well I would go on the walk around the neighborhood I might go take a peak and be a little nosy and see what there house look like. And then after about one hour of wondering in and out of houses I’ve always wondered what would be inside, I decide to go walk to the grocery store to go get some snacks since my cousins party is tomorrow. I would get chips and soda then run back home so fast so people don’t notice that random food is floating in the air. And after that I would go to school. But not with my backpack and anything I need to be at school. Instead I would go to all of my least favorite teachers classrooms and creep them out all day long. I think it would be pretty funny and give me a giggle. After that I would got to the lunch table me and my friends sit at at lunch and break and see what they talk about when I’m not there. I think that would be pretty interesting. And lastly I would walk home and get ready for bed because that was a long day. And that is what I would do in a day if I was invisible.

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